
Show us what you got!

Every artist was first an amateur. So seasoned or budding, if you love art and have an eye for it, we would love to onboard you. Connect with art enthusiasts, create your own fan base, tinker with the new, and learn from the old. Join Kalankit, sell your original artwork, without giving up control of your rights!

Let’s get started!

  • What’s in it for you? 
    1. Showcase your art to the world. Get some applause. You deserve it.
    2. Earn while you do that. Yes, you heard that right. High five?
    3. Without giving up control of your rights. Absolutely!
    4. And yes, join a like-minded tribe. Hurray!
  • How does it work? 
    1. Submit your details with Kalankit™ by filling up this form.
      Artist Application Form
    2. We get a lot of applications, hence, please allow us 4-6 weeks to get back to you.
    3. Once approved, complete the onboarding process.
    4. Upload your artwork and wait for approval by our team.
    5. Final confirmation communication with you to go live on Kalankit.com
    6. Customers get the product they so wanted and you get paid. Plus, all the love from your fans.
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